If your employer has not reimbursed you for these costs, filing a class action lawsuit may be the next step for you in pursuing your owed compensation. Example: Nick’s boss, Cally, tells him there is a big opportunity for a potential new client and to get to Boise, Idaho by noon the next day for a meeting. Lucy is entitled to a reasonable reimbursement related to her business use of the phone as a direct consequence of her duties.
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  • A famous court case – Gattuso vs. Harte Hanks Shoppers Inc . According to a California employment attorney, if an expense was necessary in order to perform the job, under California law, an employer must reimburse employees 100% for their out-of-pocket costs. They may instead reimburse actual expenses incurred. Decide which cookies you want to allow. The only ticket available for Nick to get to Boise by noon the next day was a full-fare business class ticket that cost $1,500. Example: Michael gets a job at a frozen banana stand.